Dr. Edmund Bergler, a Manhattan psychoanalist, in his recent. book "Homosexuality: A Disease or Way of Life", appears to me to be actually anti-homosexual. Rather than presenting the two classes of homosexual s the well behaved and stable, and the e xhibitionist and unstable, he seems determined to olass all homosexuals as one group. He stresses the least desirable factors (which in some cases are present in the homosexual makeup) but he does not mention the many homoxexuals who do not have these character flaws.
If Dr. Bergler actually belie ves the statements he make s against homosexuals per se, he must have studied only emotionally immature and mentally disturbed homosexuals. Perhaps he should meet some emotionally mature, cheerful, constructive and stable members of the sexual minority. One thing is certain, he has not yet met such persons, or if he has he did not admit it.
Instead of offering comfort to the homosexual, as is the noble purpose of many of our high ranking psychiatrists, Dr. Bergler seems to specialize in flaying them
However, the intelligent homosexual will not really be disturbed by this man's attitude because when the shoe doesn't fit why attempt to wear it?
It is regrettable, however, that at this time when the homosexuals' attempt to secure understanding and acceptanco for their way of life is on the forward march that ab ok such 29 Dr. Bergler's should be delivered into the hands of the opposing bigots and the prejudiced.
Howe ver this book cannot delay the march to progress.
Other books will present the good traits and constructive aspects of the homosexual personality. And if such an attempt as Dr. Bergler's to block the onward march may in some instances present a temporary hurdle the other type of of books will aid in surmount ing it. Truth has an agility that will finally leap the highest wall that prejudice can build.
Real homosexuals already know that in accord with Nature's own pattern, homosexuality IS RIGHT for homosexuals! In